
  In this section, we honor the actors and production staff that we have lost within the Jurassic Family. The InGen Historians wish to extend our condolences to the family of the individuals listed here. Each person listed here has impacted the lives of the Historians in a unique way.

Lord Richard Attenborough 8/29/1923 - 8/24/2014
Character: John Parker Hammond
Quote: And I believe we need heroes, I believe we need certain people who we can measure our own shortcomings by.

Bob Peck 8/23/1945 - 4/4/1999
Character: Robert Muldoon
Quote: You can't just stroll down the road, you know?

Peter Postlewaite 2/7/1946 - 1/2/2011
Character: Roland Tembo
Quote: I refuse to be typecast, and I'll have a go at anything so long as it's different, challenging, hard work and demands great versatility.

Ian Abercrombie 9/11/1934 -1/26/2012
Character: John Hammonds Butler
Quote: Who shall I tell Mr. Hammond is calling?

Michael Crichton 10/23/1942 - 11/4/2008
Author of Jurassic Park and The Lost World
Quote: I am certain there is too much certainty in the world.

Michael Jeter 8/26/1952 - 3/30/2003
Character: Mr. udesky
Quote: Cooper! If you see anything, yell up!

Stan Winston 4/7/1946 - 6/15/2008
Animatronics Supervisor for all three original Jurassic Park Films
Quote: I don't do special effects. I do characters. I do creatures.

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